MNC's OPD App enables doctor to manage patients, cases, medications, lab tests and reports for electronic record keeping (EHR) purposes.
Full Database Encryption. This ensures that the database is completely encrypted at all points in time. All data is encrypted while in use and while the app is not running.
Add Medications, Attach Lab and Radiology Test Reports. Create Prescription Favorite from existing Patient's Case History enable record keeping of patient medical history.
Manage All My Clinics in one app - Add, Edit or Assign a default Clinic.
Add/Search Patients, Register or Walk-in for opening a new case. Generate a prescription, attach medical reports, lab test results, maintain case history or scan an existing prescription for record keeping, all these features deliver a much needed OPD management and prescription creation application.
Print Prescription and Invoice.
(Ability to specify page dimensions applicable to your Printer settings)
Scan Prescriptions, Lab and Radiology Results.
(Scans are encrypted and stored in a separate database for maximum operational efficiency)